
Monday, November 17, 2014


Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?

I think it means that the way you make or do something is also part of design; having a toy work a different way than usual shows that you have a unique design and are creative. Having a really elaborate program work a different and unique way than other programs shows that that program has a creative design because it doesn't work the usual way that everything else does. Two people could have the exactly same toy, but if one person's works the usual way and the other person's works in a way it hasn't before, then the second person has a better design. It relates to Web Design because two people could have the exactly same website but the person with the better design is the one that can access the website differently and use it differently than other websites. Basically, a website with a different format and way to use it is the one with the better design.

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