My thoughts after reading this letter are still the same as before. I feel like Riley had a different perspective when she was writing her article than this letter because as a student, she feels like teachers are constantly telling her to change her attire, when in reality, she is simply wearing what she feels and what she likes, in her own fashion sense. I understand teachers are trying to do their job and also care about us, which is why they're telling us this, but a student would not be able to grasp this idea of the teachers telling the students because they would think that a teacher is embarrassing, offending, and humiliating the student instead of helping her. Girls at this age like to dress the way they feel is right and comfortable, because this is the only time in their lives that they would get to dress that way. I agree that there are certain times and places that certain outfits can be worn, but by the end of the day, school's not about what someone wore or how they dress, it's about how much you learned, and because of that, outfits and attires shouldn't be the main priority if someone's really there to learn. People are in high school for only four years, so it shouldn't matter too much about what someone wore. By the end of the day, no one's going to remember what someone wore or where that person got it from. Of course, after school, in a professional environment, it is important to have an appropriate attire. This is just high school, and it shouldn't matter extremely much what someone is wearing. Riley was stating how she felt about this issue, maybe from her own experiences, and how teachers are making a big deal out of it. I agree that the teachers are saying this because they care about us, but students feel that they're blowing it out of proportion over how someone's wearing something and over a piece of clothing. So while I agree with some points in this letter, I still believe teachers shouldn't be constantly telling somebody what to or not to wear.

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